Large fibroids can cause:
- pressure,
- pelvic pain,
- pressure on the bladder with frequent or even obstructed urination, and
- pressure on the rectum with pain during defecation.
Most of the symptoms of fibroids are so minor that they are dismissed as regular period pains. This is because the most common symptoms of uterine fibroids (about 25%) have to do with menstruation.
Fibroid tumors can also have more serious symptoms.
Fibroids don't usually cause symptoms. However, you may get one or more of the symptoms listed below, often depending on where the fibroid is within your womb.
Heavy periods, sometimes leading to anaemia, can occur in up to a third of all women with fibroids.
Large fibroids can lead you to feeling some pain in your tummy (abdomen).
If the fibroid(s) is pressing on your bladder, you may need to pass urine more often than normal.
If the fibroid(s) is pressing on your rectum, it can cause constipation.
You can get severe pain if a fibroid growing on a stalk twists or if a fibroid outgrows its blood supply causing it to break down, but this is rare.
Common Menstrual Symptoms Of Fibroids are:
abnormal bleeding, clotting or spotting (menstrual irregularities)
heavy bleeding (menorrhagia)
prolonged monthly menstrual flow
extreme pain during menstruation (dysmenorrhea).
Heavy, excessive, and/or prolonged menstrual bleeding can also lead to a condition known as iron-deficiency anemia, which must be treated with iron supplementation.
Treatment of Uterine Fibroids
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